June 22, 2024

My Child, Our Children (A Play)

My Child, Our Children

Script written by Leo Kee Chye using Final Draft



               FADE IN:

               EXT. SCHOOL - PICKUP AREA - DAY

               Kids run amok while others sit on a bench.

               Under the watchful eyes of MS. ALCALA, each child leaves with
               an adult. One by one, they wave goodbye.

               A man, CHRIS BROWN, walks towards the children.

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         Come along, Alan. Your daddy's

               ALAN LEE, (6), pries Ms. Alcala's fingers away.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         He's not my Papa.

               Alan runs towards another man, PAUL LEE, approaching.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Papa! Papa!

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Ha...Ms. Alcala, how could you? You
                         should know your flock better.

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         Oops! Sorry, Mr. Lee. Sorry, Mr.
                         Brown. I mistook you for Alan's

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         It's alright.
                             (squats and opens his
                         Kenney, come to daddy!
               KENNEY BROWN, (6, carrying a Pokemon toy), wobbles into Chris
               Brown's embrace.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         How's school?

               Kenney is silent and makes not eye contact.

               Ms. Alcala interrupts.

                                   MS.. ALCALA
                         Mr. Brown, your son has shown much
                         improvement today.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yeah. He's still not uttering any

                                   MS.. ALCALA
                         Mr. Brown, you can't rush things.
                         Kenney's a special boy. He WILL

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Or he WILL never speak.

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         Mr. shouldn't say
                         that. By the way, our school is
                         organizing early intervention
                         programs for special needs children
                         during the summer break. If you --

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         -- Yes, yes, another program.
                             (voice tapers off)
                         More money down the drain...

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         You were saying, Mr. Brown?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Eh...nothing. I'll sign up anyway.

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         That's the spirit. A miracle, I'm
                         sure, for your boy. I'll send you
                         the details via WhatsApp.

                                   CHRIS BROWN

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         Mr. Brown, you may want to check
                         out the new playground over there,
                         especially the Pirate Ship Swing.
                         It's awesome, Kenney will love it.

               Kenney struggles to pull away from Chris Brown's hand, his
               gaze fixated on the playground. Chris Brown hesitatingly lets
               go of him.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (raising his voice as
                              Kenney runs off)
                         Okay, Kenney...don't touch or hold
                         stranger's hands! Don't TAKE other
                         children's toys!

               Kenney is already swinging hard in the Pirate Ship.

               EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY

               An OLDER CHILD flies his kite. Kenney sees it and lunges for
               the kite reel winder.

                                   OLDER CHILD
                         Don't...gimme back --

               An ADULT MAN, showing displeasure, stands up behind the Older

               Chris Brown rushes forward, takes hold of the reel winder,
               and pries Kenney's finger off of it. He returns the reel
               winder to the Older Child.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         A thousand apologies. My son'
                         ...a special child.

                                   ADULT MAN
                         It's okay. Just children.

               Chris Brown forcefully pulls Kenney to his side and walks
               away from the playground.

               The Adult Man and his Older Child look on from the
               background. The Older Child picks up a pebble and throws it.

               The pebble falls "thug" "thug" "thug" on the grass patch in
               front of Chris Brown.

                                   OLDER CHILD (O.S.)

               Chris Brown clenches his fist and continues walking, never
               looks back.

               INT. PAUL LEE'S CAR - DAY

               EVELYN LEE, (Paul Lee's wife), sits in the passenger seat
               with Alan as Paul drives.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                             (to Alan)
                         Have you done your revision? Your
                         test's around the corner. I've
                         asked Ms. Saunders to give you MORE

               Alan gazes absent-mindedly out the window.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Shucks! You've got tuition later
                         this afternoon. I completely

               Paul turns the steering wheel abruptly.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Papa, you told me kite flying

                                   PAUL LEE
                         No kite flying for today. You have
                         a tuition, remember?

                                   ALAN LEE
                         I member you plot-miss me fly kite.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         RE-member and PRO-mise. What sort
                         of freaking English has Ms.
                         Saunder's been teaching you!

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Paul, please, mind your language.
                             (to Alan)
                         Alan, be a good boy. Mummy will
                         take you kite flying tomorrow.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Tomorrow's out. I've enrolled him
                         in Tony's classes.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         MUMMY! You plot-miss meee!

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Even if you're not attending Tony's
                         classes, we are not going kite
                         flying tomorrow. Papa and mummy
                         need to work. We are working hard
                         for your future. You'll understand
                         one day.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Paul, don't you think the lessons
                         are a little too many?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Not at all. If only my parents did
                         to me what we are doing for Alan, I
                         would have been SOMEONE by now.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Yeah, and had you become that
                         SOMEONE, I daresay I wouldn't be
                         the ONE by your side right now.
                         You've changed.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Yes, but all the wiser.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         NOW is Paul's formative years. If
                         we miss out on them, we'll live
                         rest of our lives with regret.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         We're not missing out, and he may
                         grow up with regrets just as I did
                         with my parents.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Don't be so ungrateful. Just be
                         quiet and drive, for Christ's sake.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Alan, make sure you study hard to
                         get into the...whatever you call
                         it...the top or best class next
                         year. Don't disappoint Papa.

               Alan lifts up his name card tag round his neck, and presses
               it against the window. With his other hand on the neck
               ribbon, he mimics the action of pulling an imaginary kite. He
               makes the SWOOSHING SOUND of wind blowing.


               MICHELLE BROWN, (Chris Brown's wife and homemaker), cares
               full-time for Kenney Brown.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Michelle, we're back.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Kenney, my dear. How was school?
                         Mummy has made you chicken noodle
                         soup, your eternal favorite.

               Kenney remains silent and takes Chris' hand.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Not my favorite at least. I guess
                         it's the same noodle soup for me as

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Dear, we're a family. We eat the
                         SAME food and sleep in the SAME

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yeah, and flush our shits down the
                         SAME toilet.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Enough of that. Help me to ready
                         the iPad and the teaching
                         apparatus. Kenney's online Zoom
                         lesson starts in half-an-hour.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Again? Does this lesson actually

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Enough of your nonsense. I've
                         sacrificed my career for Kenney and
                         I'm not giving up now.  Can you
                         just do what you're told, for
                         Christ's, or for Kenney's, sake?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Alright...but I've got a meeting
                         later. I'll be back late.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Again! You are shirking your
                         responsibility to Kenney --

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         -- Don't you say that! I'm the one
                         fetching our boy to-and-from

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         That's about it.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Look all parents,
                         yearn to teach him all that I know,
                         things I did, things I wish I'd
                         have done, and things I didn't. But
                         Kenney doesn't understand any of
                         this. He's a gone case. He's
                         forever mentally handicapped. You
                         should jolly well know that he'll
                         never get married and never have
                         kids. And I cannot even imagine the
                         shit life will throw at him when
                         we're gone.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Enough of that. I'm not giving up
                         any hope, however elusive. I LIVE
                         for Kenney.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Don't forget to LIVE for
                         yourself...for once.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         That's a luxury NEITHER of us have.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (walking out)
                         I'm out of here.

               The DOOR SLAMS.

               Kenney lifts his Pokémon to his face, kisses it gently, and
               rests the furry toy on the desk, caressing its ears.

               Educational toys fill up the rest of the desk and floor.

               INT. CHRIS BROWN'S CAR - DAY

               Blue-tooth speaker phone in Chris Brown's car rings.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Chris Brown speaking.


               Dr. Blackburn sits at his desk on the phone.

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Mr. Brown. This Dr. Blackburn,
                         Chief Executive Officer of
                         Cleveland General Hospital, the
                         hospital which your son Kenney
                         Brown was delivered.


               Paul drives with Alan in the backseat. His phone RINGS and he
               answers via bluetooth.

                                   PAUL LEE


               Dr. Kaczynski sits at his desk on the phone.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Hi Paul. This is Cleveland General
                         Hospital. I'm Dr. Kaczynski, the
                         Chief Admin Officer. Your wife
                         delivered your son Alan in our


                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Hi Doc! What a surprise. Don't tell
                         me you are chasing us down for some
                         century old medical bills we did
                         not pay?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         What's up, Doc! I hope you didn't
                         just realise that you've left some
                         surgical tools inside my wife
                         during the caesarean.

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
               've quite a sense of
                         humor, Mr. Brown. This is rather

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Is it convenient to talk now?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yeah...make it snappy.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Go ahead. Make my day.

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         On the behalf of Cleveland General
                         Hospital, allow me to apologize to
                         you and your family. We've reasons
                         to suspect that there is a
                         possibility, although not
                         definitively yet, that our hospital
                         might have been negligent and...

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         ...might have placed two babies in
                         the wrong beds with the wrong
                         identification tags.

               FEET SLAM on the brakes. TIRES SCREECH, HORNS BLARE, a CRASH -
               - smoke and fumes billows -- the two boys CRY.

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Mr. Brown!

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Mr. Lee!

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Are you there!

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Are you alright!


               Paul Lee, Evelyn Lee, Dr. Blackburn, Dr. Kaczynski, DR.
               around a large conference table.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         This is preposterous! We're in the
                         twenty-first century and this is no
                         backwater country.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         How did I not notice it! For
                         goodness' sake, I'm his biological

                                   DR. KEYES
                         Our sincere apologies.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         How the heck, after six long
                         years...trying to cover this up?
                         This is malpractice of the highest
                         order. We'll sue you...negligence,
                         fraud, and civil rights

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Mr. Lee, we understand your pains.
                         Our legal officer, Dr. Keyes will
                         see to your rightful compensation.
                         Let me explain why it has taken us
                         so long. Professor Taniyama, would

                                   PROFESSOR TANIYAMA
                         Mr. and Mrs. Lee, my name is
                         Taniyama. I am the Chief Scientist
                         at Soteria Genome Technology. You
                         probably have heard of us.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Yes, we took part in the genome DNA
                         sequencing drive by my son's

                                   PROFESSOR TANIYAMA
                         Yes, that's a collaboration between
                         Montana Elementary School and our
                         company to collect DNA samples from
                         parents and their children. Our
                         aim, as you're aware and consented
                         to, is to diagnose hereditary
                         diseases in your child's DNA. The
                         hope is that specific treatments
                         could then be administered to pre-
                         empt, or mitigate, your children
                         from any future afflictions related
                         to such diseases.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         And you found out our DNA didn't

                                   PROFESSOR TANIYAMA
                         I'm afraid it is much more
                         complicated than that. It is
                         against our company's policy, as
                         well as a violation of any
                         individual's privacy, to verify
                         birth parents.
                         However, in our sampling, our
                         researchers found two children
                         whose DNA do not match their lawful
                         parents but were a perfect match to
                         another couple within the same
                         sample pool. After further
                         investigation, we realized that it
                         was beyond coincidence that these
                         two boys were born seconds from one
                         another, in the same ward, and in
                         the same hospital; Cleveland
                         General Hospital. That was why we
                         contacted them.

                                   DR. BERKOWITZ
                         As Chief Medical Officer, my job is
                         to investigate any lapses,
                         negligence, instances that do not
                         adhere to protocol, malpractice by
                         our staff, and possible
                         inadequacies in our hospital's
                         layers of checks. We are still in
                         the midst of our investigation.
                         Cleveland Medical Council has been
                         notified and an independent
                         committee has been set up to
                         investigate this matter. Rest
                         assured, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, a full
                         report from the committee will be
                         conveyed to you once it is ready.
                         Let me introduce you to Ms.
                         Angeline Tong, an Attorney and
                         Consultant with the Cleveland
                         Medical Council.

                                   MS. ANGELINE TONG
                         Mr. and Mrs. Lee, I'm Angeline, the
                         Chief Investigator assigned to this
                         case, and I, or one of my
                         colleagues, will be present in all
                         your meetings as observers. Do not
                         hesitate to talk to us if you have
                         any doubts. Since this is a
                         sensitive issue, we have been sworn
                         to secrecy regarding the identities
                         of the affected parties. Those who
                         knew of this are those you see in
                         this room.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Madam Principal Shipman, does the
                         whole school know about this?

                                   MS. SHIPMAN
                         No, Mr. Lee. I've been sworn to
                         secrecy as well.

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Coming back, we will have to
                         trouble you and your son for
                         another set of DNA samples to
                         collaborate the results from
                         Soteria Genome.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         And if that turns out negative,
                         this whole thing could be just one
                         big goofy mistake?

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                             (his head lowers)
                         Let's hope so.


               Chris Brown, Michelle Brown, Dr. Blackburn, Dr. Kaczynski,
               Dr. Berkowitz, Dr. Keyes, DR. ROSENHAIN, DR. BROWKIN, DR.
               RAZBOROV, and Professor Taniyama sit around a conference

               Michelle Brown sobs. Chris Brown tears up and crumples the
               piece of paper in front of him. He clenches his fists.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Six years have passed and you're
                         just now telling me this? I'll make
                         sure your heads are on the chopping

                                   DR. KEYES
                         Mr. Brown, we take full
                         responsibility and adequate
                         compensation will be awarded.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Compensation is indeed important
                         but the more important thing now is
                         your son's future.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         The other family knows about this?

                                   DR. BLACKBURN

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         What did they say?

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Nothing yet. They are equally
                         traumatized...again...our sincere
                         apologies. If you allow me, I'll
                         let Dr. Keyes, our Chief Legal
                         Officer to delineate the possible
                         options. Dr. Keyes?

                                   DR. KEYES
                         Our suggestions are not cast in
                         stone and we'll be more than happy
                         to incorporate your views. Since
                         the futures of your current lawful
                         and biological sons are of
                         paramount importance, there are two
                         options; if both parties are in
                         agreeance, you may continue raising
                         your current lawful child.
                         Alternatively, if both families are
                         also agreeable, you can swap
                         children and legalize the status of
                         your biological --

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         -- DR. KEYES! These are flesh and
                         blood children, not ZOO ANIMALS to
                         be SWAPPED!

                                   DR. KEYES

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Dr. Keyes, I'll take it from here.
                         My sincere apologies. There is
                         nothing more important than your
                         child's well being, either
                         biological or lawful. Based on the
                         recommendation from Cleveland
                         Medical Council, we are glad to
                         have Dr. Rosenhain, Head, and
                         Senior Consultant, of the
                         Department of Psychiatry at Lowanne
                         State Hospital, to assist you and
                         your family -- especially your

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Lowanne State Hospital?

                                   MS. ANGELINE TONG
                         For impartiality, we suggested
                         Lowanne Hospital, not Cleveland,
                         for psychiatric assessment and

                                   DR. ROSENHAIN
                         Mr. and Mrs. Brown, I'm Dr.
                         Rosenhain and these are my
                         colleagues; Dr. Razborov and Dr.
                         Browkin. We are here to help. We
                         have a dedicated hotline as well as
                         assessment and therapy to assist
                         you in going through this trying

                                   DR. KEYES
                         Mr. and Mrs. Brown, the sooner you
                         make the decision, the better it is
                         for your son's future -- both boys,
                         I mean. You'll need to make a
                         choice between yours or theirs.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         How about the children? Do they
                         have a voice in any of this? You're
                         demanding from us an ultimatum as
                         soon as possible? Is that to our
                         benefit or yours?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         And your screwup hospital's?

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         Dr. Keyes...I think it's better you
                         excuse yourself. Mr. and Mrs.
                         Brown, forgive Dr. Keyes for his
                         unwise choice of words but his
                         concerns are entirely genuine.
                         However, I do agree that such
                         things are not to be rushed.

                                   DR. RAZBOROV
                         Mr. and Mrs. Brown, I'm Dr.
                         Razborov, from the department of
                         Psychiatry for Childhood Psychology
                         and Mental Health. I cannot
                         emphasize enough the impact this
                         will have on the children given
                         their formative minds. My team and
                         I are able, with your permission,
                         to offer psychological assessment
                         and psychotherapy for them.
                         In addition, we'll follow through
                         with assessing their mental health
                         development for the next ten years.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I hope you're being sincere and not
                         just using them as lab rats to
                         further your scientific publication

                                   DR. RAZBOROV
                         MR. BROWN, I --

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         -- The children are of the highest
                         priority. However, they have yet to
                         reach the maturity of a full moral
                         agent. And although their views are
                         important, ultimately, the final
                         decision rests with the parents.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         What if my wife and I have reached
                         a decision?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                             (to Chris)
                         Have we?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Just take it we have for now. Dr.
                         Blackburn, what if the other family

                                   DR. BLACKBURN
                         That complicates matters. Legal
                         issues regarding the rightful
                         custodies may have to be settled in
                         court if both parties disagree on
                         the course of action. Where's Dr.

                                   DR. BERKOWITZ
                         Dr. Blackburn, you ousted him.

                                   DR. BLACKBURN

                                   MS. ANGELINE TONG
                         Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry to
                         interrupt. But do you think that
                         the two families should meet? In
                         private, of course, with none of us
                         in the picture.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yes, it's about time to meet them.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         And our other son.

               EXT. BEACH - DAY

               Chris Brown and Michelle Brown walk along the beach. Kenney
               plays and covers himself in sand.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         What's going to happen to Kenney?
                         I'm so scared. What are we to do?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I'll fight to the end to keep him.
                         But I'm not sure about the other

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Can everything just remain what it
                         was before? I just want to wake up
                         from this awful dream.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         That is not only for YOU, or US, to
                         decide. Kenney is their biological

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         But they have not spent a second
                         with him. What do they know about
                         his autism? Do you know it took us
                         five long years to come to accept
                         Kenney's condition? Even now, I'm
                         not sure I have fully reconciled
                         with myself. They have no idea of
                         how to care for Kenney. They will
                         get frustrated, angry. Do you how
                         many special needs children are
                         abused and neglected by their
                         parents, let alone parents who have
                         never been in contact with these
                         children before?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (shuffling the sand with
                         YES, to HELL with this DNA thing.
                         Kenney is no less my child than
                         before. He is even more so now.
                         He WAS, he IS, and he SHALL always
                         be our Kenney. Nothing and no one
                         is taking him away.

               Kenney smiles as he piles up the sand.

               INT. PAUL LEE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT

               Paul and Evelyn lie beside Alan as he sleeps, Evelyn
               caressing his forehead.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         The bed may be a bit cramped, but
                         at least we are by each other's

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Not for long.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What you mean, not for long?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I'm not sure what I'm saying right
                         now. But this whole thing is
                         wreaking havoc in my mind. I'm
                         going NUTS. And we are meeting them

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         And our son.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         He's not our son. Yes, he's
                         biological related but we haven't
                         spent any time with him. If I'm the
                         boy, I'm taking no stranger as my
                         parent. A six-year-old has a mind
                         of his own.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         But after all, he's our biological
                         child, our flesh and blood.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         So? Does that make any difference?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Yes, it does. If a stranger who
                         claims he is my long-lost brother
                         faints right before my eyes, versus
                         a  stranger who is not, would I
                         react differently? You bet I would.
                         I'm the one, not WE, who carried
                         our baby for nine months. He's
                         inside me, a part of me; my limbs,
                         my soul. You men know nothing as
                         you've never had to carry a child
                         inside of you. You've absolutely no
                         idea what's that like.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         It's late and the last thing I want
                         tonight is to get into an argument
                         with you. We are seeing the other
                         family tomorrow. What should we

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I doubt they know either. We just
                         have to be ourselves.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         The one good thing that comes out
                         of this whole fiasco is at least we
                         get compensated...the amount should
                         be in the range of millions.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         We're talking about future of two
                         young innocent lives. Even with the
                         money, even if we get to keep Alan,
                         when he reaches eighteen, he may
                         instead choose his biological
                         parents. He may leave us, now or

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Let's get some rest.

               Paul gently holds Alan hand and pulls up his blanket.


               The cafeteria looks deserted with all the seats empty. But
               the staff in their uniforms are busy arranging the tables and

               Chris Brown, Michelle Brown and Kenney Brown, carrying his
               Pokémon, walk in. Dr. Kaczynski appears.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Mr. and Mrs. Brown! must
                         be Kenney. Give me a high five.
                         Yeah...Attaboy! You're so cute.
                         Gimme a hug.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Dr. Kaczynski, nice of you to be
                         here. This place looks empty.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Yes, we've set aside whole place
                         especially for you and the other

               Dr. Kaczynski points to a standing sign which READS:

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Come in. Over there, that cozy
                         table, beside the window.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         How is this going to work with our
                         children here?

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         We've have that all figured out.
                         You see the corner playroom over
                         there? Our three senior nurses will
                         see to their meal and fun.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         But my son's autistic! Your nurses
                         may not able to manage him.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         We're aware of that. Ms.
                         Whitecotton, our senior nurse,
                         specializes in caring for special
                         needs children. Her daughter,
                         unfortunately, displays both autism
                         and dyslexia spectrum disorder. I
                         believe Alan will be in good hands.
                         Let me show you to your table.

                                   MS. WHITECOTTON
                         As your service, Mr. and Mrs.
                         Brown. Hi Kenney! Gimme a high

               Chris Brown and Michelle Brown sit. Michelle arranges Kenney
               Brown's attire.

               A WAITRESS appears and takes their order. A moment later, Dr.
               Kaczynski ushers in Paul, Evelyn and Alan into the cafeteria.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Sorry, we're late...caught in a bad

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Not at all. We just got here.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Let me introduce you to the Brown
                         family: Chris, Michelle and our
                         adorable Kenney. And this is Lee
                         family: Paul, Evelyn and our little

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Why I not call adollable?

               Everyone smiles.

                                   PAUL LEE
                             (pointing to Alan)
                         My son. Call Chris and Michelle.

               Alan shrugs his shoulders.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (holding Kenney's hand)
                         This is Kenney. Give Paul and
                         Evelyn a high five.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         He's autistic and non-verbal.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         What's autistic?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Be quiet. High five, Kenney. Well
                         done. Paul, do a high five with

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Eh..yes...high five, Kenney.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         If it is alright with you, our
                         nurses will care for your boys at
                         the corner playroom with food, toys
                         and lots of fun. The food for them
                         will be in accordance to your
                         suggested menu. Tell me if you need
                         anything else.

               After a short pause.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         If not, I'll make myself scarce.
                         Please enjoy your lunch. If you
                         need me, just inform the staff.

               VOICES of "thank you" and "Dr. Kaczynski" heard.

               The four parents sit, with no direct eye contact, each
               flipping their lunch menu. Atmosphere is awkward.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Chris, you see the bruise on my

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yes...size of a golf ball. What

                                   PAUL LEE
                         It's not my wife's doing, if you're
                         wondering. But if it was, it
                         wouldn't be a simple bruise, I

               Evelyn Lee gently kicks Paul Lee under the table.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         When Dr. Kaczynski told me the
                         earth shattering news, I lost
                         control of my car. The bloody
                         airbag did not inflate and my
                         steering wheel bestowed upon me
                         this ping pong ball-sized bruise.

               Paul Lee rubs his forehead. Everyone smiles.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         The same happened to me. I was
                         driving my son home when Dr.
                         Blackburn broke the news. Later, my
                         car was in a wreck. The airbag
                         opened but it dislocated my jaw and
                         partially fractured my nose. I'm
                         now physically and emotionally

                                   PAUL LEE
                         You think we should ask for more
                         compensation? I know of a good
                         lawyer who will sue their pants

               Everyone giggles. The atmosphere relaxes.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (taking out his iPad,
                              swiping and tapping the
                         Paul and Evelyn, this is Kenney,
                         from his birth till now.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         We really adore him. He is so cute.
                         But he was diagnosed with Autism
                         spectrum disorder and Dyslexia when
                         he was about three. At six years
                         old now he's still non-verbal.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         What's Autism and Dyslexia, if I
                         may ask?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Essentially, it's learning
                         disabilities and poor social

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Any cure?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         It's lifelong. Depending on the
                         individual. In the most likely
                         scenario, Kenney may not ever talk,
                         marry, or have children.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         He may not even be able to look
                         after himself. Michelle sacrificed
                         her career to care for him full-

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         It must have been hard on the both
                         of you.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         But we love him.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Let's talk about Alan.

                                   PAUL LEE
                             (taking out his phone and
                              swipe its screen)
                         This is Alan.
                         He is an average child, mild
                         temper, a bit introverted, and very
                         absent-minded. He especially loves
                         flying kites.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Overall, his physical health has
                         been fine, met all the
                         developmental milestones. But his
                         speech is often disjointed and he
                         cannot seem to clearly pronounce
                         many words. He doesn't have friends
                         in school. He is a bit below
                         average in his class. I'll cloud
                         share all his medical dockets,
                         photos and videos.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I for Kenney as well.

               The conversation slowly gravitates between the two fathers
               and the two mothers.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I've had some sleepless nights of
                         late. I've been so ashamed of
                         myself for not being able recognize
                         my own child. Mine was natural
                         birth, not caesarean.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I'm equally to blame.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         But you've sacrificed so much for
                         my child.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         He's also my son.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I've no idea how this will all end.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I'm worried the boys will be
                         mentally scarred for life.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         We cannot hide the truth from them,
                         and they have every right to know,
                         but the final decision lies with

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Yeah, we cannot take the truth to
                         our graves. I'm in a quandary now.
                         My husband is no help.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Talk about my man...he's hopeless,
                         more of a liability than emotional
                         support. We should correspond
                         between ourselves rather than in
                         the formal group chat with all the
                         doctors and attorneys.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Yeah...I was about the suggest

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I'd want to know more about autism
                         and dyslexia, as much as possible.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I'll do just that. It cannot be
                         rushed. I've learned the hard way.

               The scene turns to the fathers.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         What do you think?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I know I'll be suing them and
                         getting a decent compensation. But
                         the problem is with the boys; to
                         keep or to swap. What you think?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I'm not sure and I don't want to
                         rush into a decision. Moreover, I
                         have to discuss this with Michelle.
                         It involves six lives.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Six innocent lives, whereas the
                         perpetuators go scot-free.
                         Nevertheless, I thank you for
                         caring for Kenney as you have given
                         his conditions.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I could have done better had I only
                         known of the things I didn't
                         before. Kenney probably would have
                         been better off by now.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Don't be so hard on yourself.
                         Kenney may fare worse under me.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         We need time.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Time for us and time for our boys.
                         Talking about time, I think it's
                         about time we check out the boys.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (standing up)
                         Ladies, shall we join our boys and
                         see what mischief they are up to?


               The four parents proceed to the playground. While the Lee's
               interact with Kenney, the Brown's play with Alan.

               Minutes later, Dr. Kaczynski enters.

                                   DR. KACZYNSKI
                         Folks, I'm afraid our time is
                         coming to an end. If you want, we
                         can adjourn to the meeting room.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         That's not necessary. Paul?

               Paul nods.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (to Paul)
                         Hey, what say we all go for an
                         outing, one of these days, with our

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Awesome, I wouldn't miss that for
                         the world. Alan loves kite flying.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Be prepared to have his kite
                         snatched away by my boy.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I have enough kites to go around
                         for a busload of children.

               Everyone smiles.


               Chris Brown opens the door. Michelle's mother, GRANNY,
               enters. Kenney rushes to take her hand.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Mum, it's nice of you to come.

                         My Kenney! Granny has brought you
                         your favorite malt candy. I got up
                         extra early today to have them
                         freshly made.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Mummy, not again. It rots the
                         teeth. Never mind, it doesn't
                         really matter.

                         Michelle dear, I understand what
                         you're going through right now.
                         Remember, whatever decision you
                         make, I'll stand by your side.

               Granny gentle taps Michelle's shoulder and points to the

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Chris, watch over Kenney for now.
                         Mum and I are going to the kitchen
                         to get some tea.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         As you wish, my dear.


               Michelle Brown pours out tea into a cup. Granny sits down.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Mum! What should I do?

                         I've got no answer to that. I'd be
                         equally as perplexed if I were you.

               Granny sips her tea.

                         You'll be glad to know your
                         biological son is normal.
                         But it is unfortunate that Kenney,
                         not your birth child, has special
                         needs. It complicates everything. I
                         doubt you'll want a second child.
                         Kenney may be all that you've got

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Mum, I yearn for a normal child.
                         I'm tired out by Kenney. My heart

                         You need to consider more than just
                         that. I'll tell you something I've
                         never told anyone before. I've made
                         many mistakes in life but there was
                         one I can never forgive myself for.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         What's that?

                         For putting you under the care of
                         your grandparents when you were
                         born...eight long years. I know
                         your feelings towards me will never
                         be those that you hold for your
                         grandparents. And no matter what I
                         do, I never seem to be able to make
                         up to you.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         You were working hard for our

                         Not entirely true. I wanted more in
                         life; money, career. But I lost
                         those years with you. If only I
                         could rewind back to those moments.
                         If I only knew then --

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         -- Mum, don't be so hard on
                         yourself. I love you.

                         I love you too. I cannot imagine
                         the toll it took on you when I took
                         you away from your grandparents
                         after eight long years. Biological
                         or not, by then you had already
                         become estranged from me.
                         I remember how you cried your eyes
                         out when grandma passed away, and
                         then grandpa months later.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I know.

                         Alan's now six years old. Your
                         decision now may rob him of
                         something no amount of restitution
                         can make right. You need to think
                         not for yourself but for him.

               Michelle nods.

                         That other family has no experience
                         with a special needs child. Their
                         learning curve will be steep. They
                         may not take it well. And all the
                         more so for Kenney, whose special
                         world may get darker still. Don't
                         make the same mistake I did and
                         live the rest of my life in regret.
                         These helpless children have no
                         control over their fates in the
                         big, relentless scheme of things.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         That guy Paul hasn't a slightest
                         clue on what autism is, let alone
                         caring for someone who has it. I
                         dread leaving Kenney with him even
                         for a second.

                         We'll leave that for now. Come, I
                         want to see my grandson.

               Granny stands up from her chair, takes her cup of tea, and
               walks into the living room.


                         Kenney! Granny will be your
                         playmate for the afternoon. Granny
                         will give you piggyback rides.
                         Grandpa loved giving you piggyback
                         rides when he was around.

               Granny taps on Chris' shoulder.

                         Go ahead the both of you. Don't
                         worry about Kenney. That rascal
                         missed me...or should I say
                         Granny's homemade malt candy? You
                         two need some quiet time to talk
                         things over.

               EXT. PARK BENCH - NIGHT

               Chris Brown and Michelle Brown sit on a bench next to a pond.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I've made my decision. I'm keeping

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Kenney is not our biological child,
                         Alan is. What's more, he's normal.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         According to your logic, if Alan
                         was forever bedridden, you'd settle
                         for Kenney instead. We are not
                         picking apples.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Alan is not bedridden. We need a
                         normal child. Let's face it. Kenney
                         is handicapped, mentally at least.
                         He has robbed us of being normal
                         parents and enjoying what normal
                         parents enjoy.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         It's not for you to choose. God has
                         planned that for us.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yeah, He's a shitty God!

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I'm hearing none of this. Even if
                         you have your way, the Lee's will
                         be vehemently against it.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Then we should fight over it in
                         court. I've checked with a lawyer
                         friend of mine and the odds are
                         Biological factors overwrite
                         everything. And what's more...our
                         exemplary record in caring for
                         Kenney will surely touch the most
                         hard-hearted of judges.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Let's go back. I'm tired.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         So, what's your decision?

               Michelle looks at Chris and silently walks away.

               INT. EVELYN LEE'S OFFICE - DAY

               Evelyn Lee swipes at her phone's screen. The connected
               Bluetooth speaker phone RINGS.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Is this Lowanna State Hospital?

                                   VOICE (V.O.)
                         Yes it is.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I'd like to speak to Dr. Rosenhain.
                         My name is Evelyn, Evelyn Lee.

                                   VOICE (V.O.)
                         Mrs. Lee...yes, you are on a
                         special hotline. We are instructed
                         to connect you right away. I'm
                         afraid Dr. Rosenhain is away but I
                         can put you through Dr. Browkin.

                                   EVELYN LEE

               The phone CLICKS and RINGS on the other side.


               The phone on Dr. Browkin's desk RINGS. She drops the file
               she's reading and answers.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Dr. Browkin.

                                   EVELYN LEE (V.O.)
                         Hello, Dr. Browkin. This is Evelyn

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Yes, hello, Evelyn! I hope you
                         don't mind me calling you that?


                                   EVELYN LEE
                         No, not at all Dr. Browkin. Thanks
                         for taking my call.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Let's do away with the formalities.
                         My name's doctor, no
                         Browkin, just your typical Mary.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Thank you Mary. Doctor...I mean
                         Mary. I'm badly in need of someone
                         in whom I can confide. I felt lost.
                         I cry whenever my eyes set on Alan.
                         But I'm not the same anymore
                         knowing that Kenney is my birth
                         child. He's mine. I want to care
                         for him. I want them both. Please
                         help me.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         I'm a mother myself. Six years with
                         a child, biological or not, makes
                         you his parent and him your child.
                         Nothing is going to change that.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What about DNA?

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Evelyn, let me share something with
                         you: Five years ago, I found out
                         that my lawful mother, who single-
                         handedly raised me, was not my
                         biological parent, after she had a
                         DNA extraction during one of her
                         routine cancer treatments. When I
                         found this out, guess what? I
                         couldn't care less. My mother is my
                         mother because of what she did for
                         me; loving me and caring for me.
                         I'm not going to let some bars and
                         stripes patterns dictate to me who
                         my mother is. I never told my mum
                         about this. Instead, I simply
                         tossed the DNA results into the

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         You ever want to look for your
                         birth parents?

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         I won't deny that there was an urge
                         in the beginning. But now, I don't
                         give a damn.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         But I'm worried that they will take
                         Alan from me.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         If you love your child, you need to
                         do what is good for him. Maybe the
                         Browns share your feelings.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What about Kenney? By no fault of
                         their own, Kenney has brought them
                         so much challenges. Why should
                         Michelle and Chris have to bear the
                         brunt of the seed I sowed? It's so
                         unfair to them. Where are those
                         joys and fulfillments that come
                         with the normal parenthood of a
                         normal child? They have none of
                         those. It  feels like I robbed them
                         of what was never mine and made
                         them pick up what I discarded.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         I know you're a person who does not
                         shirk your responsibilities.
                         However, it is a formidable task to
                         care for a special needs child. The
                         Browns have done a lot and the mum
                         has sacrifice much for him. I'm not
                         suggesting that you cannot do a
                         better job in caring for Kenney. No
                         one can pick up within a couple of
                         months what another has accumulated
                         over a period of years. You may
                         make the situation worse,
                         regardless of your good intentions.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What am I to do? I'm so distraught.
                         I need to get it off my chest.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Do you believe in God? Are you
                         religious at all?
                         If so, cast your doubts and
                         anxieties on this higher being.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         My faith isn't that strong.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Your faith should not be in
                         yourself but in a higher being. Let
                         this higher being guide you in what
                         is right for you and for those
                         affected by your decision. For all
                         you know, that higher being is your
                         inner voice. Listen to it.

               A pause.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Evelyn, mind if I come over and
                         join you for a cup of tea?

                                   EVELYN LEE

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         Just so you know, I'm one
                         psychiatrist who talks more than I
                         should listen.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         And I'm a patient who listens more
                         than I should talk.

                                   DR. BROWKIN
                         It seems that we are going to make
                         an ideal tea pals.

               Both ladies giggle.

               INT. ALAN LEE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT

               Evelyn Brown tucks Alan into bed and kisses his forehead.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Goodnight. Sleep tight.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Mummy, I wanna sleep wee you.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Not tonight, my dear. Mummy
                         promises you tomorrow night.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         You prom-miss!

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I promise. Let's do a pinky swear.

                                   ALAN LEE

               Evelyn crosses her little finger with Alan's and turns off
               the lights.


               Evelyn Lee walks in. Paul Lee takes a sip from a can of beer.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         He's asleep?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Not yet but soon.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I've just finished packing what we
                         need. Tomorrow, we're off to the
                         beach with the Browns.
                             (Paul holds up his mobile
                         What's this you're sending me?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I've signed up for an online course
                         on dealing with autistic children.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Are you kidding me? Are we swapping
                         for Kenney?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         We've got to do what's right.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         You've absolutely no idea of the
                         consequences. Our whole world will
                         turn topsy turvy. You may have to
                         give up your career. I'll be the
                         main breadwinner but what if
                         suddenly I'm down and out?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Then, I'll take it from there.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Let me hammer some common sense
                         into your head. I don't even know
                         autism from dyslexia, how am I to
                         care for one? And you don't fare
                         much better. All our hopes and
                         aspirations will be forever buried
                         with Kenney. He's a goner. Our
                         family will never be normal again.
                         This is not what I signed up for
                         and I'll not settle for anything

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         But he's our flesh and blood. Paul
                         and Michelle did not sign up for
                         this either.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Look, every man...every
                         parent...for himself. I don't have
                         the slightest doubt that the Browns
                         will spare no effort in securing
                         Alan's custody.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         They are them. We are us. Forget
                         it. I'm tired.

               EXT. BEACH - MORNING

               The morning radiates a spic-and-span navy blue sky.

               Paul Lee shows Alan how to fly a kite. Chris Brown holds
               Kenney's hand as he lets loose the kite into the air.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Daddy...kite falling. I wan hi hi.

               Alan fumbles with the kite reel winder.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Pull back, tilt to the side, slowly
                         roll, and then release and push up
                         the safety bolt with your right
                         thumb to lock it. That thing will
                         eventually touch Heaven.

                                   PAUL LEE
               're a virtuoso with this.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Brought Kenney kite-flying here
                         almost every other week. I heard
                         from someone that the beach is good
                         for him; the sun, sand, and
                         water...mother nature's therapy.
                         But Kenney is slow in picking up
                         kite-flying. Alan is good. How
                         about you? You come often?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Eh...I tried. But my work always
                         caught up with me.

               Paul Lee releases his hands, leaving Alan with the reel

                                   PAUL LEE
                         You're doing great. Don't let go.
                         Hold on to it with your life.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         It's falling...falling...NOOO!

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Never mind. Take mine, it's still

               Chris Brown passes his reel winder to Alan.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Good hold...keep pulling Alan. It's
                         reaching for the clouds.

               Suddenly, Alan takes and holds Kenney's hand, flying the

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Do you see what I'm seeing? The
                         boys are flying the kite together.
                         MICHELLE, QUICK, COME and see this.

               The parents, in concert, whip out their mobiles at the boys.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Yeah! This is the moment of the
                         century. Chris did you...

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Shucks! My phone is not responding
                         to my tap...couldn't have come at a
                         worse time.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Got it, don't worry. I've captured
                         that, the moment of a lifetime,
                         forever etched in the clouds. I'll
                         share with you now.

               The parents swipe and tap their mobile screens.


               Michelle Brown and Evelyn Lee spread out the food and drinks
               on the picnic mat over the sand.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I've just enabled the sharing of
                         videos on how and what we did in
                         our early intervention lessons for
                         Kenney. It helped a bit. I do see
                         some improvement in him.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Do you seek help from specialists?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         We did. At the end of the day, it
                         still boils down to the parents
                         seeing it through. Specialists or
                         institutions can only do so much.
                         There is
                         technique. We discard whenever it's
                         not showing results and improvise
                         when the techniques show promise.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         So, there's no cure?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         It's a lifelong condition. Beware
                         of charlatans claiming otherwise.
                         We've learned the hard way and lost
                         most of our lifesavings to prove

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What have you come to conclude so
                         far? I want to know more and learn.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Parental love and early
                         intervention techniques go hand-in-
                         hand. The right technique without
                         the love will not produce results.
                         And love without the right
                         technique is akin to driving your
                         car blindfolded. Let's change the
                         subject. How's Alan coming along in

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         He's falling behind his peers. Paul
                         continues to push him. I feel
                         guilty that we keep piling to much
                         on him and not spending enough
                         quality time with him. We break
                         promise after promise with him. The
                         last time we went kite-flying was
                         more than a year ago and every time
                         he asked to go again, we hoodwinked
                         him, telling him to wait until the
                         coming weekend. Then the next
                         coming weekend, and the next.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         What's your take on this?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         It's a catch-22. If we go easy on
                         him, we may curtail his potential;
                         he may come back later in life
                         blaming us. But if we insist on our
                         value-system, it may backfire. I've
                         no idea where to draw the line.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Everybody's family has problems.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Yours are a hundred-fold to mine.

               The boys eye the lunch boxes and begin wolfing down whatever
               their mothers throw at them.


               Paul Lee and Chris Brown stroll along the beach.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         How much do you think they will
                         compensate us?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         My guess is in the millions.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Between us?

                                   CHRIS BROWN

                                   PAUL LEE
                         How'd you spend it?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Kenney's future. Or Alan's,
                         depending on how the whole thing
                         turns out.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Now that you mention it, I won't
                         deny that Evelyn and I are at
                         loggerheads over this.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I'm no better. Michelle, if she is
                         merciful, divorces me. If not, have
                         my throat slit.

               Chris Brown makes a cut-throat sign across his neck.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I've a proposal. Care to listen?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yeah. Don't hold back.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         What if I can relieve your burden?
                         My portion of the pay-out goes to
                         you. Basically, you take the money,
                         I take the boys. Both, I mean.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         You son of a bitch...say that

                                   PAUL LEE
                         If my portion ain't enough for you,
                         name a price, we can always
                         negotiate --

               -- POW!

               Chris PUNCHES Paul in the face. Paul tumbles. The sand
               catches him.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         They are NOT for sale.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         You SCUMBAG! I close my offer. No

               Paul Lee pulls himself up and TACKLES Chris Brown to the
               ground. Both men grab each other shirts and roll over
               GRAPPLING in the sand.


               The two men approach the picnic mat with their heads down,
               hair disheveled, faces bruised and cut, and their clothes
               tattered and soiled.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         You IDIOTS. How dare you!

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Get away from us. Don't you dare
                         stain my picnic mat!

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Kill each other for all I care!
                         Give us the keys. We're driving the
                         boys back.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN

                                   EVELYN LEE

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Come along, boys. A sea monster has
                         swallowed up your fathers. Daddies
                         ain't coming back anymore.

               After surrendering the keys, the wives and children leave.
               The two men plop down in the sand.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I'm really sorry. I shoved my dumb
                         ass in my mouth just now. I
                         shouldn't have said that.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         If you hadn't shoved your dumb ass
                         in your mouth, I'd have done the
                         same with my own dumb ass.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         You're kidding? You really meant to
                         propose that to me too?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yes, but your dumb ass got to your
                         mouth first.

               Both men smile and relax.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Forgive my wife's words. To be
                         fair, she's being very "kind"
                         today. You've not seen her at her
                         most venomous self; you'd get burnt
                         and dissolved just by her words

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Mine's no better. But I've managed
                         to put up with her all these years.
                         Women change, you know. She wasn't
                         like that when I dated her.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Mine shedded her skin the day we
                         tied the knot.

                                   CHRIS BROWN

                                   PAUL LEE

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Coming back. You think your boy can
                         spend one weekend at my place and
                         mine at yours?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I'm thinking about that too. And
                         since you mentioned it, I whole-
                         hearted agree. But we need to get
                         the hell out of here. Your phone

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Mine's flat.

               Both men get up, hands over each other shoulders, and limp
               their way back towards the cars.

               INT. PARKING AREA - DAY

               One week later.

               Evelyn Lee and Alan get out the car. Paul Lee swings out a
               handheld luggage.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Remember to call Chris and
                         Michelle. Be polite and don't be

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Why I'm staying there?

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         It's only for this weekend. It will
                         be so FUN. There lots of toys in
                         their house and they are taking you
                         out to a couple of fun places.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Fly kites?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         You bet! Chris flies higher and
                         bigger kites than Papa.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Why Papa, Mama not comin? Me

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Don't be scared. Chris and Michelle
                         are so friendly. Remember when we
                         flew kites with them and their boy
                         Kenney? And Kenney will be staying
                         in our place for this weekend.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Why? Me naughty? You dun wan me no

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Don't be silly! Only for one
                         weekend, you'll be back home on
                         Sunday night. Don't be naughty when
                         you're in Chris' house. You must
                         behave yourself.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         They're here.

               Chris Brown pulls out two giant suitcases. Michelle Brown
               carries Kenney in her arms. Kenney's Pokémon is dangling from
               his hand.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Sorry that we're late. Michelle was
                         worried that we might forget
                         something, so we went over and over
                         it until we ended up with these two
                         ginormous things.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Alan, say hi to Chris, Michelle,
                         and Kenney.

                                   ALAN LEE

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Hi Alan, ready to come to our
                         house? Lots of toys are waiting for

               Alan turns his gaze to Michelle Brown and nods.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Hello, Kenney...let's do a high

               Kenney raise his palm to touch Evelyn's. Michelle pulls
               Evelyn to one side.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Kenney will be a challenge to
                         manage. I've sent you a to-do list
                         to pacify him if he throws one of
                         his tantrums. Remember: Don't leave
                         the house without his Pokémon. If
                         he's getting out hand, call me and
                         I'll fetch him right back.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Don't say that. He's also my son.
                         Paul and I will try our best. He
                         will be in good hands. Trust my
                         maternal instinct. I dare say I'm
                         pretty good with kids. Thanks for
                         the to-do lists, I'm more mentally
                         prepared now. I even made Paul
                         recite your instructions back to me
                         verbatim last night.

               Both mothers giggle.

               Both fathers carry the luggage to each other car.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Use your kiting skill to win him

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         You ain't afraid?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Nowadays, I resign myself to
                         almighty God. Everything is for the
                         best in the best of all possible
                         worlds, I pray.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         You'll have a much more challenging
                         weekend than me, with Kenney's

                                   PAUL LEE
                         If there's anything I cannot
                         manage, I'll call you.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         It might be too late.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Come on! Have some confidence in

               Both men laugh.

               Michelle Brown and Evelyn Lee pass each other their children.
               The mothers lift up the hand of their biological child to
               wave and bid one another farewell. With their back turned,
               they go to their respective car.

               As the cars drive off in the opposite direction, the children
               turn their head, gazing at the other child from the rear car

               EXT. LARGE OPEN FIELD - DAY

               CHILDREN and ADULTS fly various kites. Chris Brown and Alan
               each fly a kite.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         It's me...

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Don't panic. Here, I'll show you
                         how to get it soaring through the

                                   ALAN LEE
                hi...will it touch

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yeah, it will and it will carry us
                         up there.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Okay, boys! Food's ready. Alan,
                         your favorite fries with pickled
                         onions is getting cold if you don't

                                   ALAN LEE
                         I want kite go hi-hi touch Sun.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Alan, roll back the string. Listen
                         to your mean,
                         Michelle. What am I saying?

               Chris Brown helps Alan to roll back the string, collects back
               the kites and hurry to the picnic mat.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Me hungry.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Daddy is too...I mean, I'm hungry
                         too. I'm not myself today.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Slowly, chew don't swallow.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         I chew-chew.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I'm not sure I should say this.
                         This is a rare moment which I felt
                         so much fulfillment as a father. He
                         responded to me. He picks up kite
                         flying within minutes while Kenney
                         can't even hold it for himself more
                         than ten seconds despite the months
                         I've spent working with him.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I've felt the same way. If only he
                         is ours.
                         I had several slips of the tongue
                         with him today and called myself
                         mummy and you daddy.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         But we ARE his daddy and mummy.
                         Alan, tomorrow we're going to
                         Universal Studios.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         What tat?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Amusement park...with roller
                         coasters, canopy flying, space
                         rides. Let me show you.

               Chris Brown swipes and taps his handphone screen in front of

                                   ALAN LEE

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         You've been there?

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Nooo...papa mama wok.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Okay. We go tomorrow.

                                   ALAN LEE

               INT. JUMPTOPIA - DAY

               Kenney jumps on a huge trampoline, leaping high, holding his
               Pokemon by the tail.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Kenney, let's jump together.

               Paul Lee and Kenney go from one playground to another. Evelyn
               Lee joins them as well.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Lunch time! Let's try the newly-
                         opened Pokémon-themed restaurant.
                         Kenney will be thrilled. Many
                         Pokémon waiting for you. Kenney!
                         Looking forward to that?

               Kenney comes down from the trapezium and grabs Evelyn's hand.


                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Sit properly, Kenney. Don't jump on
                         the chair. It's not nice.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         This is quite challenging. He takes
                         at least an hour to finish his

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         That's what Michelle said. Now you
                         know what the Browns have gone
                         through. He is non-verbal, no way
                         to express himself, has only a
                         rudimentary awareness of things we
                         take for granted in Alan.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Kenney, what you think about going
                         to another Trampoline park
                         tomorrow. It will be much BIGGER
                         than today's.

               Kenney doesn't respond, his attention focused on all the

               The food arrives. The family settles down for a meal.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         It is not that difficult to manage
                         Kenney. He's fine with us. No
                         tantrum. Just that he's not
                         responsive and he takes ages to eat
                         his meals.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         But have you considered his future?
                         He needs to learn social skills, to
                         count, to read, to spell. Who's
                         going to do that? Institutions? Do
                         we have the money that it'll take
                         to help him? But even with all the
                         money in the world, it cannot buy
                         the love and dedication of his

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I should have known better. Anyway,
                         Bon Appétit, everyone. Bon Appétit,


               Chris is lying on the bed, reading from a storybook with Alan
               in the middle and Michelle stroking his forehead.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I think he's fast asleep.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         He's tired and he's enjoying every
                         minute of it, through and through.
                         We hit it off pretty well.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow will
                         be another long day.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Spent with our son, no day is ever
                         too long.

               EXT. UNIVERSAL STUDIO - DAY

               Chris Brown and Michelle Brown take Alan for a Transformers
               thrill ride. Alan SCREAMS and covers his eyes throughout the

               After the ride finishes, they get off of their seats.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Alan, did that scare the wits out
                         of you? Let's try the Spidey-3D!
                         Are you ready for that, Alan?

               Alan is silent.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I'll take your silent for a YESSSS!
                         Let's swing like Spidey...swoosh...

               Chris Brown cups his hands and holds them high, mimicking
               Spider-man swinging.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         This is your friendly neighborhood

               Alan remains silent.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Chris, don't push it. Maybe Alan is

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Come on. The morning is still

               As the Browns walk to the next venue, Alan bursts in tears.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Mammy...want mammy.

               Alan shrugs off Michelle Brown's hand.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Told you not to push it.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         What did I do?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Quick, humor
                         anything...make a stupid face at

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         What's a stupid face? How do I make

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Damn...just be yourself. You're
                         stupid enough.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         What you say, woman!

                                   ALAN LEE
                         HOM...I want HOME...

               Alan drops to the ground, CRYING and refusing to move.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         It's not looking good. I'm getting
                         some ice-cream and candy floss.
                         Don't let him out of your sight.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Be quick, woman.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         How about we go kite-flying? High,
                         high, up to the sky, through the
                         clouds and touching the Sun.

               Alan Lee SCREAMS.

                                   ALAN LEE

               BYSTANDERS look at them.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Shucks! What should I do?

               Chris Brown whips out his mobile and plays "Baby Shark"
               cartoon music video.

                                   ALAN LEE
                         Papa don wan me. Mama don love me.
                         I wan HOME.

               Alan Lee bangs his fist on the concrete floor.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         This is really BAD.

               Chris Brown attempts to pull Alan off the ground but to no

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Alan, stay here. I'll get a Kite
                         from my car and we go kite-flying,


               Paul Lee, Evelyn Lee and Kenney jump on the biggest canopy.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I'm totally exhausted. I think I
                         jump more times in this one hour
                         than in my entire life.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Kenney, let's take a rest.

               Paul takes Kenney's hand and they climb down the trampoline.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I'm getting some snacks. With those
                         strenuous jumps, Kenney needs

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I do too, age is catching up with
                         me. I can't keep up with our son.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Not our son. Not yet...or maybe

                                   PAUL LEE
                         I don't care. He is OUR SON for
                         this weekend and no one is changing

               Evelyn Lee walks across to the stalls. She picks up some
               snacks and beverages and checks out at the counter.

               As she walks back to the giant trampoline, she sees Paul Lee
               and a BURLY MALE staring daggers at each other. Evelyn rushes
               over to Kenney who is CRYING.

               She squats down next to him.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What happened?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         This idiot shoved Kenney to the
                         floor and kicked him.

                                   BURLY MALE
                         Your son took my son's toy.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         He's only a kid.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         No way a big guy like you should be
                         treating a child this way.

                                   BURLY MALE
                         I'm protecting what's mine. Your
                         dim-wit son kept touching us and
                         grabbing our toys.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         He's NOT a dim-wit. He is a special
                         needs child. He is MY SON.

                                   BURLY MALE
                         Don't give excuses. Supervise your
                         son. Don't shirk your responsible.
                         What kinda parents are you? Like
                         father, like son. You must be
                         equally as cuckoo like --

               A fist flies through the air. BAM! The Burly Male DROPS to
               the floor.

               EXT. UNIVERSAL STUDIO - DAY

               Chris Brown hurries to his car parked nearby.

               He takes out his kite from the car. He looks back -- Alan is

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         DAMNIT! I don't believe it. He was
                         there a second ago.

               Chris Brown rushes back to the place where Alan had been.
               Michelle, ice creams in-hand, returns and looks around.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Where's Alan?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I lost him. I don't know. I was
                         getting the kite from the car and
                         he disappeared right out from under
                         my nose.

               Ice creams fall to the ground...SMACK! Michelle SLAPS Chris.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         You IDIOT, you MORON! You've lost
                         our child!

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Stupid me. I can't believe it! He
                         disappeared right before my eyes.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Nut-head, you better comb this
                         whole place, every inch! I'm
                         calling security. I need to check
                         their CCTV.


               Paul Lee, Evelyn Lee, Kenney, and two POLICE OFFICERS are in
               an enclosed room.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Look officers. For the hundredth
                         time, yes, I hit him. And I hope I
                         broke his bloody jaw!

                                   OFFICER ONE
                         Mr. Lee! Watch your mouth. I'll
                         pretend that I did not hear that.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         He shoved and kicked my son!

                                   OFFICER ONE
                         Your son?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         My buddy's son. We swapped our
                         children for the weekend.

                                   OFFICER TWO
                         This some modern parenthood thing?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         It's complicated. Look, long story
                         short --

               -- Kenney DROPS TO THE FLOOR, acting as if he is having a
               convulsion and CRYING his eyes out.

                                   OFFICER TWO
                         Is your son...I mean, your friend's
                         son, alright? Does he need a

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         He's a special needs child. This
                         room is too claustrophobic. We need

                                   OFFICER ONE
                         I'm afraid we're in the midst of an
                         interrogation. Give us at least
                         another hour.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Where is his Pokémon? I need his
                         Pokémon? Paul! For Christ's sake,
                         WHERE IS HIS POKÉMON?

                                   PAUL LEE
                         remember I took it out. My mind is
                         in a blank now.

               Kenney begins HITTING HIS HEAD with his bare fists and
               scratching his face red.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Please, Kenney. You're hurting
                         yourself...don't do that.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Can my wife and kid leave now? My
                         son is hurting himself. It's been a
                         traumatic day for him; being pushed
                         and kicked, and now locked up in
                         this hellish place!

                                   OFFICER ONE
                         I'm afraid that is not possible.
                         Operational procedures, Mr. Lee.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         To hell with your procedures!

                                   OFFICER ONE
                         Watch your mouth...don't say I
                         didn't warn you. What you say
                         could, and will be, used against
                         you in court.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         I'm calling Michelle now. I'm at my
                         wit's end!

                                   PAUL LEE
                         God have mercy on us!

                                                                CUT TO:


               Michelle stands inside the security office on her phone.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Kenney!...kicked and pushed to the
                         ground, now locked up in police
                         station now...scratching his face
                         and punching his head!

                                                                CUT TO:


               Evelyn on the phone, her mouth agape.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         What?! Alan's disappeared? What you
                         mean disappeared? Can't find him?
                         Have you checked the CCTV?

               She looks at Paul, struggling to console Kenney on the floor.


               Paul Lee, Evelyn Lee, Kenney and Officer One are in a
               enclosed room.

               OFFICER TWO, (female), enters.

                                   OFFICER TWO
                         Mrs. Lee, I thought I saw a Pokémon
                         toy lying somewhere around the
                         trampoline. It's too far to drive
                         back just to check. I went out to
                         the nearest mall to get another
                         one. Will this do?

               Officer Two takes out a furry toy.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Yes, yes...this will work.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Thanks God!

               Kenney sees it and grabs it from Officer Two. He stops

               Evelyn Lee wipes off his tears and tends to his bruises and
               scratches on his forehead and face.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Thank you, Officer.

                                   OFFICER TWO
                         Don't mention it. I'm a mother
                         myself. I'll make sure that
                         bastard's behind bars.

                                   OFFICER ONE
                         OFFICER SURIBAYA! I really pray
                         that the room's CCTV's
                         malfunctioning today.

               EXT. UNIVERSAL STUDIO - DAY

               As Chris Brown searches frantically for Alan, a YOUNG ADULT
               MAN rushes up to him.

                                   YOUNG ADULT MAN
                         Sir, are you looking for a child,
                         five-six years old?

               Chris Brown grabs the Young Adult Man's shoulders.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yes, in a red and blue Spidey-
                         shirt. You've seen him?

                                   YOUNG ADULT MAN
                         That's him alright. He's with my
                         girlfriend now. We heard a child
                         crying from the drain, apparently,
                         he tripped and fell inside. We
                         managed to pull the him out. He's
                         got some cuts and bruises, but
                         he'll be fine. He just kept crying
                         for his parents, saying they
                         abandoned him. You're his father?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
               's long story.



               Chris Brown is on his phone and holding Alan.

                                   CHRIS BROWN (ON PHONE)
                         Michelle, I've found him!

                                   MICHELLE BROWN (ON PHONE)
                         Thank God!
                             (Clicks over to Evelyn)
                         Evelyn, Alan's with Chris, safe and

                                   EVELYN LEE (ON PHONE)
                             (to Michelle)
                         Michelle, we're now out of that God-
                         forsaken room. Kenney is in my
                         arms, fast asleep.

               EXT. PARKING AREA - DAY

               Paul Lee and Chris Brown are moving the luggage between their
               cars. The children have returned to their respective parents.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Kenney came to us in good condition
                         and I really screwed up to return
                         him to you bruised and scratched.
                         I'm sorry.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         I'm not much better than you. I
                         returned your Alan to you with cuts
                         and bruises as well.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         It's been a long and traumatic day
                         all around.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         I couldn't have agree more. But
                         luckily, it all ended well.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Paul, thanks for standing up to
                         that bully for my son.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Look, he's also my son. It is OUR
                         son that I stood up for. I know
                         you'd have done the same in my
                         shoes. And thanks to you, my son
                         was found.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Our son, you mean.

               Everyone smiles.

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         Are you game for another weekend
                         children exchange?

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         Sure! It can't get much more worse
                         than today.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         How about a change? We take both
                         boys for a weekend, leaving some
                         intimate time for yourselves.
                         And  the following weekend, it will
                         be our turn to enjoy time away from
                         these rascals.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Yes, give ourselves some personal

                                   EVELYN LEE
                         The boys need their time, too.

                                   MICHELLE BROWN
                         We don't rush.

               Everyone smiles.

               EXT. SCHOOL - PICKUP AREA - DAY

               SUPER: "One Year Later"

               Kids run amok while others sit on a bench.

               Under the watchful eyes of Ms. Alcala, each child leaves with
               an adult. One by one, they wave goodbye.

               Chris Brown walks towards the children.

               Ms. Alcala taps Kenney on his shoulder and gentle grabs his

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         Run along, Kenney! Your daddy's

               Another CHILD breaks rank from the group and rushes towards
               Chris Brown.

                                   ALAN LEE
                             (hugging Chris)

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         (stretching his other hand to reach
                         for Kenney)
                         Come Kenney, come to daddy.

               Ms. Alcala, bewildered, lets go of Kenney hand. Kenney Brown
               rushes towards Chris Brown.

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         Mr. Brown, which
                         son...I thought...

               Ms. Alcala looks at Kenney, then at Alan, and back to Kenney.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                             (hugging both children)
                         They are BOTH my sons.

                                   PAUL LEE (O.S.)
                         And we are BOTH their parents.

               Paul Lee appears from behind.

                                   PAUL LEE
                             (winks at Ms. Alcala)
                         You should know your flock better.

               Paul and Chris laugh.

                                   ALAN LEE
                             (holding Kenney's hand)
                         We are BRO-thersss.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Paul, you're late.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         As usual.

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Boys, it's time to go home.

                                   PAUL LEE
                         Which home?

                                   CHRIS BROWN
                         Does that matter?

               Paul Lee smiles.

               With their backs to Ms. Alcala and Ms. Shipman, the two
               children, together with their fathers, walk away holding

               Ms. Alcala picks up Kenney's abandoned Pokémon toy from the

                                   MS. ALCALA
                         I don't quite get it.

                                   MS. SHIPMAN
                         You will when you become a parent.

               They turn and watch as the boys and their father walk with
               big, jumping steps towards the Pirate-Ship playground.

                                                         FADE TO BLACK:

                                                              FADE OUT.

                                   THE END


Script written by Leo Kee Chye using Final Draft